June 18, 2023

The Ultimate Outreach Sequences on LinkedIn

With over 800 million members, LinkedIn is the best B2B networking platform globally. Commercially speaking, it provides a ton of possibilities to load your sales pipeline with top-notch leads but as more and more people realise this, decision makers’ inboxes get increasingly more filled with outreach messages.

Unfortunately, many of those messages rarely evoke any interest as they are often too general, not personalised and overly salesy. What many outreach teams don't realize is that LinkedIn is not a platform to sell, it is a platform to engage in meaningful/value driven conversations - the sales happens after LinkedIn.

The other important factor to consider is content length. For each message in the sequence, avoid going over 150 words. As a rule, keep the word count between 100 to 130 words and if you can keep it below 100 words, even better. In this blog, we share some messaging strategies that can be utilized for outreach. Please note, these sequences are tried and tested. We will continue to upload more from time to time.

Example 1

Stage 1: Connection Message

Hi [first_name],

As we both serve the education space, I'd like to add you to my professional network.

Stage 2: Primary Message (within 3 days)

Hi [first_name],

Thanks for connecting. I'd like to share an idea. Has (company_name) ever experimented with artificial intelligence to improve efficiency in delivering education to students?

A.I is making a huge wave in the education space and I’d like to share a one-pager that covers the most interesting use cases for AI in education today in 2023. Here is the link.

I hope you find this useful and I'd really like to hear your thoughts as a (job_title).



Stage 3: Follow Up Message (Min 3 days later)

I'd like to check in with you [first_name]. Did you find any of those use cases interesting?

A little bit about us. We are a strategic AI solutions partner that helps higher education institutions explore possibilities with AI on their innovation journey. Our team has executed over 60 projects for institutions like (other universities/colleges) and we'd like to share some of our experiences with you.

Would you be open to a short call next week to talk about how AI is (value_add) in the education domain? This is not a sales pitch - it is purely for educational purposes. Let's learn from each other.



Example 2

Stage 1: Connection Message

Hi [first_name],

I came across your profile on (linkedin_group). As we are both founders, I'd love to connect with you and share ideas.

Stage 2: Primary Message (within 3 days)

Hi [first_name]

Great to be connected. As a startup founder, I imagine that your priority is centered around getting the best out of your sales reps so they continually hit their targets.

The challenge though is that not all reps replicate the levels of success of your best performers. I am wondering, is this something you've ever contemplated? And, what have you tried to do to get everyone performing at the same level as your best performer?

I have some tips I can share if you are interested to hear more.



Stage 3: Follow Up Message (Min 3 days later)

I assume the past days have been busy but I'd like to stay on your radar.

At (your_company), we are obsessed with sales performance which is why we've built an intelligent platform that presents call insights, automates coaching and uncovers the "why" in every won or lost deal.

Our A.I automates scoring of all sales calls to quantify agent performance, identifies agents that need attention, personalizes feedback to agents and identifies agent behavior that drives strong sales.

Would you be open to learning more over a quick call? I'd love your feedback on our capabilities.



Stage 4: Follow Up Message (Min 3 days later)

I’d love to hear from you. Some of our clients (name_of_clients) have reported a 20%+ increase in their closure rate due to our automated coaching feature.

I’ll be happy to share more insights and metrics from our experience that I think you’ll find interesting. How about a short call next week? If you don't find it interesting, I'll pay you for your time :-)



Example 3

Stage 1: Connection Message

Hi [first_name],

As a (your_job_title), I am always posting resources and insights within our space to help my network propel their company forward. Thought this may interest you. Would be great to connect.

Stage 2: Primary Message (within 3 days)

Hi [first_name]

Thank you for connecting. I’d like to share an idea if I may.

At (your_company), we’ve been working on a (your_solution). Is this a concept that you might be familiar with?

I’d really like the opportunity to go into more detail and explain the methodology that we have implemented within several enterprises and government bodies. Having your feedback as a (job_title) would be of high value to me.

However, I want to be totally respectful of your time and not bombard you with more content so please let me know if you find the matter of interest.



Stage 3: Follow Up Message (Min 3 days later)

Keeping this on your radar [first_name]. However, if you are too busy right now, I can always contact you at a more convenient time in the future?

In the meantime, you may be interested in learning more about (interesting_topic) via this link.

My purpose is to share knowledge, ideas and also learn from experts such as yourself.



Example 4

Stage 1: Connection Message

Hi [first_name],

I am from the blockchain space and I am looking to grow my professional with supply chain experts. Shall we connect?

Stage 2: Primary Message (within 3 days)

Hi [first_name]

Thanks for connecting. Our acclaimed team built (product_name), a blockchain based tech platform which allows for complete track & trace of vaccines from manufacturers to the end beneficiaries.

Why is this interesting for you in Supply Chain? Well, using the same underlying technology we want to add value to other product supply chains where unit level traceability, transparency and real-time tamper-proof data are of high priority.

Do you see any value in learning more about what we do?

P.s (product_name) is playing a key role in traceability of vaccines being delivered in Asia and Latin America.



Stage 3: Follow Up Message (Min 3 days later)

I am not sure whether you had a chance to review my previous message? I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Our objective is to make global supply chains resilient & sustainable by connecting data silos. I would love the opportunity to learn more about your current supply chain infrastructure and showcase how our (specific_solution) works in practice.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



Example 5

Stage 1: Connection Message

Hi [first_name],

I see that you also attended the (webinar_name) last week. As we are both from the construction space, I thought it would be a good idea to connect.

Stage 2: Primary Message (within 3 days)

Hi [first_name]

Thanks for connecting. I was wondering what your main take-away was from the (webinar_name)?

I'd like to formally introduce myself, If I may. I am a (job_title) at (company_name), a complete digital platform that (company_solution).

You may have heard of our work with (renowned projects).

I am going to be in your city again soon and was wondering if you are open to a meeting? We’ve developed new technological advancements which have a real impact on your Innovation function and I’d love to get your perspective as a (job_title).

I am happy to meet you at a location of your choice.



Stage 3: Follow Up Message (Min 3 days later)

I’d like to follow up with you [first_name]. Would you be open to a meeting? Coffee on me :-)

Your feedback on our advancements within your Innovation function would be of high value to me as we are continuously evolving. Looking forward to hearing from you.



Hope you found these examples to be interesting. Remember, it is about testing and experimentation to get the best results. Personalize as much as possible and start meaningful conversations without being overly salesy.

We at Leadriver can help you accelerate your lead pipeline by systematically generating more qualified leads on a monthly basis via LinkedIn and Email based on your campaign objectives. Contact us at info@leadriver.io to find out how. We guarantee results.

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Darren Hill