Nov 21, 2023

The Best Connection Request Messages for LinkedIn

Firstly it is important to note that you don't need to have a message within your connection request. On many occasions, we see have a blank connection request performs better than one with a message. However, if you are using a message then strong connection request messages are vital to improve social selling on LinkedIn. With years of experience, our marketers have found the ultimate way to personalize, follow-up, and find common ground with potential prospects. This won’t only expand your professional network, but it will also allow you to simplify your prospecting strategy.

So if your team isn’t getting replies from Linkedin, try some of these personalized connection requests.

1. Hi (Name), I’m looking to expand my network with fellow business owners and professionals. I would love to learn about what you do and see if there’s any way we can support each other.Cheers!

2. Hi (Name)  I’m looking to connect with like-minded professionals specifically who are on the revenue generating side of things. Let’s connect!

3. Hey (Name)  Came across your profile and saw you work in real estate. I’m reaching out to connect with other like-minded people. Would be happy to make your acquaintance.Have a good day!

4. Hi (Name) LinkedIn showed me your profile multiple times now, so I checked what you do.  I really like your work and as we are both in the creative industry – I thought I’ll reach out. It’s always great to be connected with like-minded individuals, isn’t it?(Your Name)

5. Hey (Name) I hope your week is off to a great start, I noticed we both work in the HR/Employee Experience field together. I would love to connect with you.

6. Listening to you now & subscribed! Just stumbled upon your podcast and wanted to say thank you for sharing your insights using them to help land a lead gen job. Thank you!

7. Dear (Name) My name is (xyz) and I am a partner in the (name of company). My team and I have a great idea for a book that would greatly enhance your credibility and visibility. Do you have 15 minutes to talk this week?

8. Hi (Name) I hope you’re doing great! I’m on a personal mission to grow my connections on LinkedIn, especially in the field of B2B lead & demand gen. So even though we’re practically strangers, I’d love to connect with you.Have a great day!

9. Great to meet a fellow podcast host. I am the host of (podcast name) and looking forward to having you as a guest on the show.Blessings,

10. Hi (Name), I wanted to reach out, as it seems like you would be the right person to discuss travel management given your role — although you may not be currently traveling, would you be interested in exploring how (company name) can help you prepare for the future of business travel?Best,(Your name)

Templates With a Subtle Pitch

Another way to make more leads with social selling is to slip your pitch into your Linkedin connection request. You can still personalize your messages, but add your sales pitch in.This gets straight to the point, but be warned… These invite messages can backfire if they are too salesy.

11. Hi (Name) 👋🏻 I’m looking to partner with (company name) in each neighborhood in (area) for some community marketing initiatives. The people I work with have seen 5XROI & 10X growth in their database. Are you interested in giving value to local & becoming a community leader? 😎

12. We are experts in developing mobile apps, web applications and telehealth solutions for US-based medium to large-sized healthcare organizations and health businesses. Please keep me as a contact and consider us for your next project.

13. Hi (Name). The Ben Franklin effect – when we do a person a favor, we tend to like them more as a result. Anything I can do for you!?Best, (Your name)

14. Hello (Name) We created a candidate matching engine and job board exclusively for our Partners. The Talent Bridge Matching Engine is a free platform with over 45,000 candidates and your company can post jobs. I noticed your company (you can add the company’s name in here)  is not registered. Can I share more detail?

15. My Company (your company’s name) is a provider of advanced Digital Solutions and multi-platform full-stack development. Let’s connect and talk.

16. Hi (Name). I hope you are well. I’m (your name), with (your firm)… We offer $50K-$200M and because it is non-recourse, you only pay as you settle cases. If you want to chat, please give me your best cell and email and my executives will reach out as early as today.Thanks

17. Hi (Name). My name is (your name) with (your company’s name). We’re a lead arbitrage focused on a variety of pay-per-lead campaigns. I saw you specialized in lead gen so I wanted to reach out. Would you have time to schedule a call to discuss where there would be opportunities between our two companies?

18. Hi (Name) I am a Mind Mapping enthusiast and regularly post Mind Maps on self-development topics. We are in the same group related to Coaching as well. It would be great to have you as a connection.Best Regards,

19. Hi, unsure why your website isn’t ranking better in the major search engines? As an SEO Strategist, I’ll help you find the issues. If this is something you are interested in, please share your email address and allow me to send you a ‘no obligation’ audit report.Thanks

20. Hi (name). Wanted to reach out and see if you’d be open to a quick call around your telecom tools (contact center, video/chat, phone system). We’re running a fun promotion right now and I can send you a $100 Amazon gift card. Would you be open to a chat?

Templates Inviting Connections to a Webinar.

21. (Name). It was great to meet you earlier today. I enjoyed the conversation. I look forward to having you at my webinar.

22. Hi (Name). I hope you’re doing well. I’m (your name), co-founder of (your company’s name) We’re looking for agency partners and it would be great to connect over a “virtual” coffee/chat and see what we can do together? (introduce webinar in the chat)

23. Hi (Name) Are you struggling with high employee turnover and looking for a great way to reduce it? We’ve developed a highly effective series of financial coaching programs that will have a dramatic impact on reducing your turnover. Would you be open to learning more about them? Please see our webinar here (Add link)

24. (Name), do you offer cold email services? Looking for feedback on a new tool to automatically write 3-500 cold email personalized intro lines per hour. I have a free webinar that shows exactly how it works. Would you be interested in taking a look?

25. Appreciate your time from our meeting last week! We are running a free webinar, would you be interested in taking a look?

PRO TIP:Webinars are a great way to generate more leads and increase professional relationships. If you are planning on hosting a webinar, don’t forget to send out invites to your connections. These types of networking events can bring in a lot of new business, which is what we are always aiming for.

Common Connection Request Message Templates

You might also be able to send requests if you and your potential leads have connections in common. This might make it easier to find common ground, and personalize your message for success.

26. Hey (Name). I notice we share a mutual connection or two & would love to add you to my network of professionals.If you’re open to that let’s connect!

27.Hi (Name) I see we have some mutual connections. I always like networking with new people, and thought this would be an easy way for us to introduce ourselves.

28. Hi (Name). Life is both long and short. We have quite a few mutual connections. I would like to invite you to join my network on the LinkedIn platform. Hopefully, our paths will cross professionally down the line. Until then, wishing you and yours an incredible 2021.(Your Name)

29. Hi (Name). I saw you are into LeadGen and wonder if LinkedIn is a big part of it?. It seems that we are in a similar business. Over the last 3 years, we’ve run hundreds of LinkedIn campaigns for 43+ B2B customers. I’d love to explore a potential collaboration with you.(Your Name)

30. Hi (Name). I noticed we have a common area of interests & would love to connect. I work with (companies name) and we help companies to automate business processes & increase productivity through Artificial Intelligence. Looking to connect with youCheers

31. Hi (Name) I was looking at your profile and noticed we had a few shared connections. I thought it would be nice to reach out to connect with you and share our networks. Thank you and hope all is well!

Semi personalized message templates

If you’re not too keen on sending super personalized message templates initially, you could always send semi-personalized message invites. You could add in the potential connections name, and mention one or two things in the connection request that might get their attention.

Have a look at the templates below:

32. Hi (Name). I hope you’re doing great! I’m on a personal mission to grow my connections on LinkedIn, especially in the field of B2B lead & demand gen. So even though we’re practically strangers, I’d love to connect with you.Have a great day!33. A friend pointed me your way for B2B lead gen – would love to connect.

34. Dear (Name). I would love to join your network to see if there’s a way to collaborate. Looking forward to connecting with you.Sincerely

35. Hope you’re having a great day (Name). I’d love to catch up and see what you are working on these days. Here is my calendar link if you would like to connect over the next few days via the phone.

36. Hi (Name). Let’s connect. I look forward to seeing how we can add value to each other.Take care.(Your Name)

37. Hi (Name), we’ve helped many orgs like ( person’s company name) with wellbeing, performance, engagement, and D&I. Not sure if (your company) would be a fit, but it’d be great to chat about your people and culture goals to explore if we can help you in a similar way.

38. Hello (Name). I am presently looking for a new opportunity. I spent my career in logistics and actually in pharmaceuticals for a good portion of that time. If you think a conversation might be beneficial please let me know.Thank you.

39. Hi (Name) I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

Industry-specific connection request message templates

Industry-specific invites can also go a long way, especially when it comes to creating a network of like-minded individuals, or if you would like to grow in a specific niche. Focus on inviting those in the same industry as you, as this will ensure that your requests are accepted; especially if you can add value to each other.

40. Hi (Name). With so many things on a plate for healthcare buyers like you, especially nowadays, having a connection like me, who represents US manufacturers of masks and soon-to-be gloves could be quite a handful. I’d like to get to know you as I would like to build a long-term relationship.Cheers

41. Hi (Name). Your experience makes you a good fit for our Healthcare Executive MBA program. I’m the Director of Graduate Admissions at the Miami Herbert Business School. I’m looking to connect with professionals interested in advancing their careers.(Your Name)

42. We are experts in developing mobile apps, web applications and telehealth solutions for US-based medium to large-sized healthcare organizations and health businesses. Please keep me as a contact and consider us for your next project.

43. Hey (Name). Came across your profile and saw you work in marketing. I’m reaching out to connect with other like-minded people. Would be happy to make your acquaintance.Have a good day!

44. Hi (Name) I’m currently building a strong network of Realtors on LinkedIn and I found your profile very interesting. Can we connect here?Thanks

45. (Name), always looking to connect with fellow veterans, if you are open to it, I would love to connect?

46. Hi (Name) Our company can provide translation in over 90 languages and we can get them to you fast—the same day if needed. Even better, we can integrate into your workflow software so those translations take place seamlessly. If you are looking to reach new language markets, let us know! 47. Hi (Name), always nice to connect with other local professionals. Best,

48. Hey (Name) This is (Your name) from (Your company’s name). We have specialized in XYZ for 20 years. I will send a catalog after you get your permission.Any interest don’t hesitate to contact me

49. I produce xyz and I’m working on an assignment that will air in 2021 and my research suggests your story would fit this episode. Review my profile and learn about our show at (Add your link)

50. Hi, (Name) I’m (Your name) a  Recruiter at (your company’s name) I noticed your profile and thought I would connect about any potential hiring needs for your company now or in the near term. We have a 10% direct hiring fee.Are you available next week to chat?

Hope you found this guide to be interesting. Remember, it is about testing and experimentation to get the best results. As mentioned, sometimes having no connection message gets you a higher acceptance rate. There are a number of elements involved in getting the best results.

We at Leadriver can help you accelerate your social selling efforts to systematically generate more qualified leads on a monthly basis via LinkedIn and Email based on your campaign objectives. Contact us at to find out how.

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Darren Hill